Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


June 29, 2020

*Click here to find the latest information on coronavirus from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Applications Being Accepted for Game Commission Board- District 5

The Governor’s Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation announced that they are accepting applications from candidates to represent District 5 on the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s board of directors. District 5 includes the counties of Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan, Tioga and Union.  The district is currently represented with distinction by Commissioner Charles E. Fox, whose term expires October 15, 2020. Commissioners are eligible to serve three four-year terms, but must participate in a competitive process with other interested candidates to gain a second or subsequent term.

In addition to sending a letter to the Governor’s Council, I’m encouraging anyone interested in volunteering to serve on the board to send me a letter of intent and their professional resume.  They can be emailed to me at or mailed to Senate Box 203023, State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA  17120.

A resume and cover letter should also be sent to Robb Miller, Governor’s Advisor for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation,

Per the Game Code, applicants must be well-informed about wildlife conservation and restoration and be residents of the district. Commissioners receive no compensation for their service but are reimbursed for travel expenses.

Applications will be accepted until Friday, July 31, 2020.

Police Reform Measures Advance in the Senate

In response to tragedies that have occurred in other states, the Senate recently took action on a number of police reform bills to strengthen officer training and minimize the risk of similar incidents happening in Pennsylvania. Passage of these bills was the result of hearings by two Senate committees last week which I serve on that included the support of law enforcement officials, criminal justice experts and public safety advocates, as well as several statewide and national advocacy groups.

The Senate approved bills that would ban the use of chokeholds except in situations where the use of deadly force is authorized; and require municipal law enforcement departments to adopt a use of force policy and to train officers on procedures allowed under the policy.

In addition, Senate committees advanced bills to promote the use of in-service training, including annual instruction on the use of force, de-escalation, and harm reduction techniques; require law enforcement agencies to conduct a thorough background investigation of police officer job candidates; and improve the safety of individuals in police custody, as well as Department of Corrections staff.

In addition, lawmakers gave final approval to a bill that would end the practice of blanket prohibitions on state job licenses for certain criminal records. The bill would provide a second chance for rehabilitated individuals seeking meaningful employment, while also expanding our state’s skilled workforce.

**See Results from my June 9th Online Poll**

Senate Committee Examines Pennsylvania’s Participation in RGGI

6/23/20 - Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

In October, Governor Wolf unilaterally ordered Pennsylvania to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a consortium of northeast states who impose a carbon tax on electricity production and require fossil fuel generators to purchase “allowances.”  While the Governor announced last week that he would delay the time period for DEP to send any regulatory plan to the Environmental Quality Board for consideration, the threat still remains of higher energy costs for PA consumers and significant job losses across the state should PA enter RGGI.

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee held a hearing recently on the impact that this proposal would have on Pennsylvania families and employers.

In The News…. 

PA Senate in Session Monday and Tuesday… The state Senate is scheduled to be in session today and Tuesday, with one of the primary goals being to get some policing reform measures to the governor by the end of this week. Read Capitolwire’s article:  Four bills were advanced last week by the General Assembly’s two chambers, and two of those bills – House Bills 1841 and 1910 – were approved by the Senate’s Law & Justice Committee, of which I serve as a member, last week. For a complete look at committee meetings, hearings and Floor action, click here. 

Two area residents receive Senate endorsements…..Congratulations to Stephen M. Radulski of Williamsport, PA, who has been promoted to the rank of Major General in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. He is currently the Assistant Division Commander, Maneuver for the 28th Infantry Division, and has held several command & staff positions within the PAARNG.  Walter A. Eisenhauer of Jersey Shore has been appointed to the State Board of Medicine.   He is currently the Interim Dean, College of Natural Behavioral and Health Sciences at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.

Local Legislators Praise Gas Impact Fees for Region….The Marcellus Shale Impact Tax will deliver more than $32.8 million in funding to communities in Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union Counties. The impact tax has generated more than $1.9 billion in tax revenue to support state and local projects.  Read more on my website.

Last week, Pennsylvania’s Attorney General announced findings and recommendations stemming from the 43rd Statewide Grand Jury Report on the unconventional natural gas industry.  Read more at the Williamsport Sun-Gazette.  In response, I issued the following statement.

Chesapeake Energy Corp. announced on Sunday, June 28, that it has filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11.  Read more at the Wyalusing Rocket CourierWhat does this mean for royalty owners?  click hereAdditional information regarding Chesapeake’s Chapter 11 filing will be available at Court filings and information about the claims process are available at Questions should be directed to the Company’s claims agent by email to or by phone at 855-907-2082 (toll free) or 503-520-4448 (toll).

Beginning tomorrow, small businesses across PA can apply for grants to offset lost revenue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shutdown order.  The COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance programannounced earlier this month, will provide $225 million in grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to eligible businesses through Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding.  Tomorrow, eligible businesses may begin applying for the COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance program here.

Lawmakers Approve Bill to Require Insurance Coverage for Additional Breast Cancer Screenings

Dense breast tissue and other factors can make it more difficult to detect breast cancer early in some women, heightening the long-term risks. The Senate approved a bill last week that would require insurance companies to cover supplemental screenings if a physician believes a woman is at an increased risk for breast cancer due to these conditions. 

Did your Household Complete a 2020 Census? Everyone Counts!

Households across Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union counties should have received a 2020 Census form as America gathers basic information about our current national population. Census invitations were mailed March – May 2020.

The mailer offers a reminder to let you know why the 2020 Census remains important, answering some of your questions about the process. Keep in mind that participating in the Census is required by law, and responses are strictly confidential.  An accurate count is critical for you and your community.

2020 Census provides crucial data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide services, products, and support for you and your community. Billions of dollars in federal funding goes to hospitals, fire departments, schools, school lunches, collegiate loans, housing, roads, transportation, Head Start, job development and other resources ………….ALL based on 2020 Census responses.

In addition, the 2020 CENSUS also determines the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and will be further used to draw congressional and state legislative districts.

Therefore, it is vital that you complete the 2020 CENSUS and remember – everyone counts!

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