Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


Union County FACT: 

Founded in 1792 and named for the first governor of Pennsylvania, Mifflinburg was known in the late 1800’s as Pennsylvania’s “buggy capital.” At that time, as many as fifty buggy-related factories or shops were scattered throughout the village. 

Election Day: Tuesday, November 5th, 2019


On Tuesday, November 5th, the polls will be open from 7AM to 8PM for registered voters to elect judicial, school board and county and local government officials. In preparation for tomorrow’s election, eligible voters can confirm their registration status, verify their voting district, locate their polling place and find much more information by visiting

Additionally, includes links to Voter Guide FAQ About Voting in Pennsylvania, the Top 5 Things Every Voter Should Know About Pennsylvania Elections and other useful information.

A proposed constitutional amendment on victims’ rights, known as Marsy’s Law, also will be on the ballot. 

Last week, a Commonwealth Court judge ruled on the request of the League of Women Voters and ACLU to grant an injunction on the constitutional ballot question. The ballot question votes will still be counted, but the constitutional language will not be implemented (assuming approval) until the conclusion of the litigation, including appeals. 

* In Memory And Never Forgotten *

Showcasing the Bradford County Veteran’s Memorial Park 

Bradford County Veterans Memorial Park 

On Monday, November 11th, we will honor the men and women of our Armed Forces by celebrating Veterans Day.  First recognized as Armistice Day in 1919, Veterans Day marks the date when Germany and the allies signed a 1918 agreement to cease World War I hostilities. The fighting ceased on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

I am reminded of my recent visit to theBradford County Veterans Memorial Park in Towanda and thought it important to showcase the Bradford County Veteran’s Memorial, which serves as a fine tribute to all of the brave men and women from Bradford County who selflessly served our great Nation. This site honors their lives in a way that few other tributes can, and I am honored to help fund the completion of a monument to these brave heroes.

State Senate ReCap

The Pennsylvania Legislature concluded its October Calendar- with the next scheduled session week being set for Monday, Nov. 18th, 2019. The state Senate this week voted on a number of important measures including:  

Comprehensive Upgrades of State Election Laws Enacted 

The Senate approved legislation last Tuesday that will bring the most comprehensive changes to Pennsylvania’s election laws in more than eight decades. The measure was signed in to law Thursday.  Act 77 of 2019 will also provide $90 million in much-needed funding to replace county voting machines, boosting election security and ensuring that local taxpayers do not have to pick up the tab for the required upgrades.  To read more, click here.

Senate Acts to Expand Telemedicine in Pennsylvania 

The Senate on Wednesday approved legislation aimed at promoting telemedicine in Pennsylvania as a way to overcome barriers to quality patient care created by distance and reduce the costs of those services.  Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services via advanced technologies, such as apps, Skype, and FaceTime. Senate Bill 857 now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.  To read more, click here.

Measure to Prevent Student Athlete Deaths Approved by Senate 

On Wednesday, the Senate approved legislation to help student athletes and their parents take steps to prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

Senate Bill 836, known as Peyton’s Law, would inform student athletes and their parents about the importance of electrocardiogram (EKG) testing to detect underlying heart conditions that can lead to SCA. The legislation is named after Peyton Walker of Cumberland County, who died from Sudden Cardiac Arrest when she was just 19 years old.  To read more, click here

Senate Votes to Strengthen Older Adult Protective Services

Legislation to better protect Pennsylvania’s senior population by overhauling the Older Adult Protective Services Act (OAPSA) was approved by the Senate on Tuesday.

Senate Bill 819 would improve the delivery of resources and efficiency of services provided to older adults. The bill will be sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

PennDOT Driver License, Photo Centers Closed for Veterans Day Holiday

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) today announced that all driver license and photo centers, including its full-service center in Harrisburg, will be closed Saturday, November 9th, through Monday, November 11, in observance of the Veterans Day holiday

Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services – including all forms, publications and driver training manuals – online through PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Services website,   

Honoring Pennsylvania’s New Clean Water Ambassador, the Eastern Hellbender

On Friday, I had the honor of joining Lycoming College and the Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Student Leadership Council (SLC) in celebrating all of our collective efforts to designate the Eastern Hellbender, the official amphibian of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Working collaboratively with the SLC and Lycoming College’s Clean Water Institute (CWI), the Eastern Hellbender now stands as a symbol of Pennsylvania’s commitment to clean water. 

Since 2006, CWI student interns have engaged in the study of the hellbender, catching more than 3,000 of the creatures while they conduct research on where the local populations live and collect data on their health. More recently, the focus of their work has expanded to include conservation and restoration, which requires the creation of habitats, as well as the collection of eggs to hatch, and hellbenders to raise and release back into the wild.

Statewide Video Competition Challenges Local Students to Share Ideas on Farming 

Video Competition - Preserving Pennsylvania's Legacy

Pennsylvania has a rich heritage of farming that dates back centuries, and agriculture remains the state’s top industry today, which is why I am excited to officially announce the 3rd Annual “Talk to Your State Senator” statewide video competition – Preserving Pennsylvania’s Farming Legacy!

Like the last two competitions, the contest is open to all Pennsylvania middle and high school students across Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union counties, grades 6-12, who are enrolled in public, private or home school programs. Rutter’s has committed 100% of the prize money — $10,000. The prize money will again be awarded to the winners via the PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan program.

To learn more, a website has been established to provide more information and a means to register for the contest.

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