Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


Lycoming County FACT:

Lycoming County is named for “Lycoming” Creek, which is derived from a Delaware Indian word meaning “sandy or gravelly creek.”

School Safety Grants for Six Local School Districts, Intermediate Unit

Local schools in Bradford, Lycoming and Susquehanna counties will receive a collective total of $224,807 in competitive Safe Schools Targeted grants to prevent and reduce violent incidents in schools, to purchase safety and security-related equipment, and to provide for the training and compensation of school resource and police officers.

Northeast Bradford School District will receive $34,300 for security equipment and for programs aimed at reducing school violence; Wyalusing Area School District will receive $25,000 for security equipment; Sayre Area School District will receive $18,954.74 for school safety programs; East Lycoming School District will receive $24,875.00 for security equipment; Blue Ridge School District in Susquehanna County will receive $42,000.00 and Elk Lake School District will receive $30,580.00 for school resource officers.  Additionally, the BLaST IU 17will receive $49,097.26 for the campuses of St. John Neumann Regional Academy Elementary and High School.

To read more, click here.

34th County Health Fair Will be Held October 26

MARK YOUR CALENDARS – The 34th Sullivan County Health Fair will be held on Saturday October 26 beginning at 8AM-12PM at the Sullivan County Elementary School in Laporte.  The event is sponsored by Sullivan County Action Inc./Sullivan County Health Partnership, Sullivan County Medical Center and Kiwanis Club of Sullivan County.  This year, there will be over 50 exhibitors, 14 free screenings as well as the blood screenings offered by Guthrie Towanda Memorial Hospital at a reduced cost.   

Op-Ed:  Moratorium on Natural Gas Would be Wake-Up Call

Like millions of Americans, I watched the Oct. 15th Democratic presidential debate. And, like millions of Americans, I was disappointed. Rather than pragmatically addressing the concerns my constituents worry about every day, the majority of the candidates pushed for radical and unrealistic positions on a number of issues. Though it wasn’t addressed in full, a number of candidates on the stage have previously voiced opposition to natural gas, advocating for far-reaching environmental solutions that would be detrimental to the economies of our state and our country, to America’s energy security, and, ironically, to the environment itself. Given the critical role that natural gas has played in our energy landscape, the absence of any conversation about natural gas was telling in and of itself.  To read more, click here

A Look Ahead to Next Week

Both chambers of the Pennsylvania General Assembly will be back in voting session the week of Oct. 21st.  The Senate’s Legislative Calendar is updated each day the Senate is in Session. The calendar identifies bills and resolutions awaiting Senate floor actions. Visit

This week, I formally introduced legislation, Senate Bill 891, which requires the Department of Environmental Protection to establish an “Advanced Permit Review Program” giving applicants the option of using DEP approved licensed professionals to review Chapter 102 and 105 permit applications.  The expedited review procedure for these programs would be entirely voluntary, and only those applicants specifically requesting the expedited procedure would be subject to the program.  Senate Bill 891 will be considered by the Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee on Tuesday.

A number of public hearings are also slated for next week including:

  • Senate Environmental Resources & Energy – Briefing on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) with Secretary Pat McDonnell. [WATCH LIVE]
  • Senate Judiciarypublic hearing to review the recommendations and other conclusions contained in the report prepared by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections entitled “Sentinel Event Reviews of Parolee Homicides.” [WATCH LIVE]
  • Senate Educationpublic hearing on charter school entities. [WATCH LIVE]
  • State Governmentjoint public hearing on House Resolution No. 206, Concurrent Resolution calling for a Convention of States.

Six Ways to Learn About Energy and Conservation….

Fire, EMS Forum Provides Information on Grant Availability

Speaking with Muncy Township Secretary Gwen Pidcoe and Supervisors Matthew Doyle and Tom Schaech following the Grant & Funding Workshop Thursday in Towanda.

I recently sponsored a Grant & Funding Workshop with EMS, Fire and Emergency services personnel in Towanda. The event specifically highlighted programs and funding opportunities available for local Fire/EMS and public safety organizations, and included experts from the PA Senate Grants Team, Department of General Services, and the State Fire Commissioner Bruce Trego.

If you or your organization could not attend, but would like information or to request a Grant Guide, please contact my Williamsport Office at 570-322-6457 or Harrisburg Office at 717-787-3280.

PGC, PFBC Warn Anglers and Hunters of Online Scams When Purchasing Licenses

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) and Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) are warning anglers and hunters to avoid online scams when purchasing their licenses. The warning follows several recent reports of customers paying for licenses through third-party websites not affiliated with either agency, and then never receiving a license.

Customers should be aware of several look-a-like websites that mimic the agencies’ branding and offer customers the ability to purchase licenses and related permits.

Anyone who encounters a website offering the sale of a Pennsylvania fishing or hunting license that does not link to The Outdoor Shop [] to complete the transaction should call the PFBC Fishing License Help Line at (877)707-4085 or the Game Commission’s license division at (717)787-2084. Victims of a fishing or hunting license scam should notify the PA Attorney General’s Office.

Traveling Across the Region…

Touring Lycoming College’s Clean Water Institute

Water is one of Pennsylvania’s most precious resources. DEP Secretary Pat McDonnell and I stopped by Lycoming College’s Clean Water Institute last week to hear about on-going programs at the College that seek to study and protect our streams, lakes and ground water/aquifers in Pennsylvania. Maintaining the quality and quantity of this resource is critical to the economy and the survival of natural systems and habitats.

Visiting with the Montrose Chamber

I attended and spoke at the Montrose Area Chamber & Endless Mountains Business Association Legislative Luncheon on Oct. 11th.  L to R:  Susquehanna County Commissioner Alan Hall; State Rep. Jonathan Fritz; Dr. Alice Davis, Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center; and Senator Yaw. 

Union County Fall Farm Bureau Meeting Held

Spoke with Union County Farm Bureau Members James Brubaker and Commissioner Preston Boop during the Annual Farm Bureau Fall Meeting in Mifflinburg. 

October is Energy Awareness Month

During Energy Awareness Month, we recognize the remarkable role American energy, particularly that which is generated right here in Pennsylvania, plays in producing more abundant, affordable, and reliable power for our Nation and across the globe.  No other state has such a diversified portfolio of energy resources – coal, natural gas, solar, wind, hydro – all helping to fuel our energy future.  Thanks to Republican-promoted ideas, Pennsylvania is becoming both energy independent and energy dominant in production, transmission, distribution, and use. 

PennDOT Accepting Unsolicited Public-Private Partnership Proposals Until Oct. 31 

Submission period applies to PennDOT-owned projects and infrastructure.

The PennDOT Office of Public-Private Partnerships (P3) has announced that it is accepting unsolicited proposals for transportation projects from the private sector through October 31.  Instructions on how to submit a project and information on the unsolicited proposal review process can be found on the state’s P3 website,

The submission period applies to PennDOT-owned projects and infrastructure. During this period, the private sector can submit proposals offering innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Proposals can also include more efficient models to manage existing transportation-related services and programs.

The next unsolicited proposal acceptance period will occur in April 2020. To learn more about P3 in Pennsylvania, including active projects, visit or PennDOT’s website, click here.

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