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“When in doubt, don’t.”
-Benjamin Franklin
THIS WEEK: $1.5 Million Grant Awarded to Bradford County Water Treatment Facility
This week, I was happy to announce a state grant for Eureka Resources, LLC, a leading provider of wastewater treatment, recycle and reuse services for the oil and gas industry, located in Standing Stone Township, Bradford County.
The $1.5 million state Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant will be used for the expansion of their existing facility.
In addition to creating 15 new positions, the expansion will provide additional throughput capacity, and treatment and byproduct recovery capabilities to the existing facility. The upgrades will allow for a 100% increase in pretreatment and sodium chloride crystallization capacity, provide systems necessary for recovery of methanol and calcium chloride byproducts, provide additional liquids and byproduct storage, and provide much needed natural gas service to the facility.
In addition to the Eureka Resources project, the Tiadaghton Valley Regional Police Department (TVRPD), which serves a significant portion of Western Lycoming County, also received $1 million to build a one-story building complete with rooms to secure evidence and weapons/ammunition and shared office space for officers and offices for sergeants, to name a few.
Further, the Pajama Factory, a 300,000 square foot 8-building complex of historic factory buildings located on the west side of Williamsport has been allocated $2 million for Phase Two of the facility renovation.
TUNE IN: PART 2: Touring Barefoot Flooring & Barefoot Pellet Company in Troy

I recently had an opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes tour of Barefoot Flooring and Barefoot Pellet companies located in Troy, Bradford County. These two companies bring high-quality jobs to the County, and create substantial economic benefits for our region.
Area Fire Company, EMS Organizations Should Seek Grant Opportunity
Volunteer fire companies and emergency service providers across Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union counties will soon be able to apply for funding through the State Fire Commissioner’s Fire Company, Emergency Medical Service Grant Program beginning September 4th.
The on-line application period will remain open for 45 days. Eligible fire companies and EMS organizations may apply for a grant in up to two of the six eligible program categories.
To read more, click here.

TMA Breaks Ground on New Water Treatment Facility in North Towanda

Pictured from left to right above are: Charlotte Sullivan, authority assistant secretary-treasurer; Mike Walsh, authority chairman; Jim Pruyne, authority solicitor; Garrett Miller, Towanda Borough mayor; Ellen Lacek, authority board member; Kyle Lane, Towanda Borough manager; Arnie Kriner from Sen. Gene Yaw’s office; Daryl Miller, Bradford County commissioner; State Representative Tina Pickett, Lauren Egleston, NTRPDC economic development program manager, and Brian Shura, Stiffler McGraw.
The Towanda Municipal Authority (TMA) recently broke ground on the new Water Treatment Facility in North Towanda. The new treatment plant is part of an$11 million investment for the TMAto develop a new water source for the regional water and sewer authority.
The development of a new water source has been planned since 1996 to meet the needs of the growing area. The overall project entails the development of two water wells, located in North Towanda Township, which will be treated in the new water treatment plant before dispersing to TMA water customers. The project also includes the installation of a new 100,000-gallon water storage tank at the Bradford County Emergency Operations Center in North Towanda, and replacement waterlines in North Towanda to the Northern Tier Career Center facility.
Public Comment Period Open for Transportation Plan
The public is invited to give input on a plan that identifies unmet transportation needs and strategies to meet those needs.
The draft 2019 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan includes Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties.
The plan can be viewed on the SEDA-COG and Lycoming County websites: or It is also available in hard copy form at the Lycoming County Executive Plaza Building, 330 Pine St., Williamsport and SEDA-COG’s office, 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg.
The comment period is July 29 to Aug. 28. Written comments may be submitted to Deb Oakes at or mail them to her at Delta Development Group, 2000 Technology Parkway, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17050. Please place Coordinated Plan Comments in the email subject line.