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March 31, 2021

Public Hearing on OMB’s Proposed Change to Metropolitan Definition and Funding Implications for Pennsylvania

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Board of Directors, chaired by Sen. Gene Yaw, will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, April 7, beginning at 10 a.m., to learn more about the possible funding implications for Pennsylvania if the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) changes its definition of metropolitan areas.    [Read More]

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March 23, 2021

Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Yaw District Attorney Modernization Bill

As legislators continue conversations about criminal justice reform, a new state Senate bill, sponsored by Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), Vice Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, would clarify the statutory requirements for individuals who hold the office of District Attorney in Pennsylvania.  Listen  [Read More]

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March 23, 2021

PA Senate Agriculture Committee Approves Yaw Measure Regulating Lawn Fertilizer Application, Updating 1956 Act

A bill aimed at modernizing Pennsylvania’s 1956 Fertilizer Act was unanimously approved today by the state Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, according to prime sponsor, Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23).   [Read More]

*MEDIA ADVISORY* Sen. Yaw:  An Honest, Bipartisan Conversation About Energy, the Economy and the Environment
March 19, 2021

*MEDIA ADVISORY* Sen. Yaw: An Honest, Bipartisan Conversation About Energy, the Economy and the Environment

Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), Chairman of the Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, will facilitate a one-hour discussion with Dr. Scott W. Tinker, Director of the 250-person Bureau of Economic Geology at The University of Texas, on the interrelationship between energy, the economy and the environment.   [Read More]

Sen. Yaw:  Senate Special Committee on Election Integrity and Reform Begins Bipartisan Review
March 15, 2021

Sen. Yaw: Senate Special Committee on Election Integrity and Reform Begins Bipartisan Review

The bipartisan Senate panel will begin a comprehensive review of the 2020 General Election with their first hearing to review best practices of election integrity and security from other states on Monday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Senate Chamber.  [Read More]

Yaw Measure Would Ensure Pennsylvania Homes, Businesses Have Access to Diverse Energy Options
March 8, 2021

Yaw Measure Would Ensure Pennsylvania Homes, Businesses Have Access to Diverse Energy Options

While some states are advancing bills to prohibit certain types of energy sources, state Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) formally introduced legislation in the Pennsylvania Senate that would ensure state residents have options when it comes to fuel availability.  [Read More]

Senator Yaw Calls DRBC Natural Gas Drilling Ban an Assault on Private Property Rights
February 25, 2021

Senator Yaw Calls DRBC Natural Gas Drilling Ban an Assault on Private Property Rights

“The DRBC ban is not just an assault on a highly regulated industry that employs thousands of Pennsylvanians, but it’s another example of neighboring state’s dictating our energy policy,” Senator Gene Yaw said.  [Read More]

Op-Ed: PennFuture’s Proverbial Tales
February 25, 2021

Op-Ed: PennFuture’s Proverbial Tales

This week, the group Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, also known as “PennFuture,” released a report entitled ‘Buried Out of Sight: Uncovering Pennsylvania’s Hidden Fossil Fuel Subsidies’.  [Read More]

Op-ed: For Sneak Peak of Wolf’s Energy Policies, Mosey on Down to Texas
February 23, 2021

Op-ed: For Sneak Peak of Wolf’s Energy Policies, Mosey on Down to Texas

By Senator Gene Yaw Chair, Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee An extreme demand for electricity coupled with energy supply disruptions caused by record-low temperatures has triggered an energy crisis in Texas. State regulators and government officials are desperately attempting to ensure there is enough energy capacity to keep places like hospitals, water treatment facilities […]  [Read More]

Senator Yaw Talks 2021-22 State Budget, COVID-19 and Relief for Small Businesses During GSVCC Event
February 22, 2021

Senator Yaw Talks 2021-22 State Budget, COVID-19 and Relief for Small Businesses During GSVCC Event

State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) on Friday was the featured speaker for a virtual legislative update with the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce (GSVCC).  [Read More]

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