HARRISBURG – State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) has been recognized by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) as a Guardian of Small Business for his impeccable voting record in support of key small business issues during the 2021-22 legislative session.
“Small businesses drive the Commonwealth’s economy, and we recently witnessed what can happen if they’re prevented from doing business,” Sen. Yaw said. “They truly impact not just our economy, but also the availability of goods and services. The COVID-19 response was a grave reminder of how critical it is for all of us to support small businesses, and I am grateful that I’ve been given the opportunity to do that in a meaningful way.”
Sen. Yaw prioritized employers in the wake of the pandemic, supporting legislation that would provide for limited, temporary and targeted COVID-19 liability protection for businesses that have attempted to comply with confusing and ever-changing state and federal COVID-19 guidelines. Most recently, PA-NFIB vocally supported Senator Yaw’s bill, Senate Bill 275, which would have prevented Pennsylvania’s 2,500-plus municipalities from banning access to certain utilities, like natural gas. “The “fuel neutral” proposal ensured no choice, including renewable energy, is discriminated against,” Yaw said.
PA-NFIB noted, “Pennsylvania’s small and independent businesses continue to feel the devastating effects of the COVD-19 pandemic. Enacting policies to mandate the use of one energy source over another would not only increase costs but could force struggling businesses to decide to leave Pennsylvania or cease business altogether….Additionally, allowing a municipality to make up its own rules would disrupt the free market. Business owners must be allowed the ability to choose the energy source best suited for them regardless of location.”
Sen. Yaw also has been a vocal opponent to Pennsylvania joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and has shepherded the state’s disapproval resolution forward through the legislative process.
“RGGI will significantly raise electric rates for residents and businesses, and will certainly impact our most vulnerable populations such as low-income and seniors,” Sen. Yaw said. “If ever there was a regressive tax, RGGI most certainly is it.”
Since 1943, NFIB has advocated on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners.
Nick Troutman, Chief of Staff
& Director, Environmental Resources & Energy Committee
Office of State Senator Gene Yaw (R-23)
362 Main Capitol Building, Senate Box 203023
Harrisburg, PA 17120
T: (717) 787-3280
F: (717) 772-0575