Sen. Yaw: Application Opens for 2021 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside of the Surface Block Grant

$18 million Available Statewide for Eligible Projects

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced on Tuesday that the application site for the 2021 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Surface Block Grant Program is now open, and applications will be accepted through October 15.

Eligible project sponsors include local governments, transit agencies and school districts across Pennsylvania.

Guidance and procedures for PennDOT’s 2021 Transportation Set-Aside Program are found here. Submit questions to

Defined as ‘transportation alternatives,’ examples of eligible projects may include stormwater management, non-infrastructure projects such bicycle and pedestrian education, conversion of abandoned railway corridors to trails, and construction of turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas.

All participating large Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) selections and all District and Planning Partner application review comments will be due January 7, 2022. The statewide project selection committee will meet in January 2022 to recommend projects for receipt of statewide Transportation Set-Aside funds. Approximately $18 million in funds will be made available statewide.

For more state-related news and information, visit Senator Yaw’s website at or on Facebook and Twitter @SenatorGeneYaw.

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