Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee
Monday, March 24, 2025 | Off the Floor
Rules Committee Conference Room
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call to establish a quorum
III. Agenda
SB 109 (Laughlin) – An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375,
No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, further providing for
definitions and for projects affecting submerged lands of the Commonwealth.
SB 349 (Yaw) – An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in environmental protection, providing for
decommissioning of solar energy facilities.
SB 403 (Yaw) – An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375,
No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, providing for
issuance of and conditions for continuous maintenance permits.
SB 404 (Yaw) – An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375,
No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, providing for county
conservation district stream reconstruction emergency permit authorizations.
IV. Closing remarks
V. Adjourn