HARRISBURG – Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) issued the following statement on Gov. Shapiro’s decision to appeal the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that entrance by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and state Environmental Quality Board (EQB) into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) without legislative approval violates the Pennsylvania Constitution.
“For four years, Pennsylvania taxpayers have footed the bill for the previous administration’s unconstitutional, unilateral decision to enter Pennsylvania into RGGI. I am disappointed to see Gov. Shapiro seemingly follow in those footsteps with today’s announcement, despite his prior admission that RGGI could have a detrimental impact on Pennsylvania during his candidacy.
“RGGI is wrong for Pennsylvania, and a bipartisan majority of Pennsylvania legislators have consistently voted against it when the issue has been brought to the floor. It is time to leave this discussion behind us and put forth commonsense, environmentally responsible energy policy that recognizes and champions Pennsylvania as an energy producer.
“This legal stunt continues the Wolf administration’s pattern of reckless disregard for the Constitution and the residents of this Commonwealth, and I hope that Gov. Shapiro will reconsider his appeal and honor the Commonwealth Court’s decision.”
Elizabeth Weitzel