What: The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on new developments in the opioid/substance use disorder crisis in Pennsylvania. The hearing will highlight new developments in the supply of narcotics, data resources that are available to track opioids/overdoses, funding for prevention and treatment services, and treatment workforce and staffing issues.
The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Board of Directors
Senator Gene Yaw, Chair
Representative Eddie Day Pashinski, Vice Chair
Dr. Nancy Falvo, Pennsylvania Western University Clarion, Secretary
Mr. Stephen M. Brame, Governor’s Representative, Treasurer
Senator Katie J. Muth
Representative Dan Moul
Mr. Richard Esch, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Timothy Kelsey, Pennsylvania State University
Ms. Shannon M. Munro, Pennsylvania College of Technology
Dr. Charles Patterson, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Ms. Susan Snelick, Northern Pennsylvania Regional College
Mr. Darrin Youker, Governor’s Representative
Expected Presenters: Jeremiah Daley, Executive Director, and Tamar Wallace, Public Health Analyst, Liberty Mid-Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area; Captain Patrick Beaver, Director, Policy and Legislative Affairs Office, Pennsylvania State Police; Dr. Glenn Sterner, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Penn State Abington; Jeff Hanley, Executive Director, Commonwealth Prevention Alliance; Melissa Ferris, Executive Director, Fayette County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc.; Jason Snyder, Director of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association; and Justin Wolford, Director of Outpatient Services, Cen-Clear.
When: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Where: Capitol Building, Room 8E-B, East Wing, Harrisburg, Pa.
Livestream: https://www.pasen.gov/Video/8e.cfm?room=b
Christine Caldara Piatos – Communications Manager
Center for Rural Pennsylvania
A Legislative Agency of the Pennsylvania General Assembly
(717) 787-9555