Yaw: Williamsport Pine Square Improvement Project Receives $400,000 Investment

HARRISBURG – State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) today applauded a $400,000 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) investment in Williamsport, which will support the Pine Square improvement project.

“The Pine Square project will redefine city living and will no doubt attract economic growth in the City,” Sen. Yaw said. “I look forward to seeing the completed vision come to life and appreciate the state’s investment in our community. I was happy to lend my support for this project.”

The project focuses on developing a “live-work-play” complex in the heart of Williamsport, offering apartments, restaurants, retail spaces and more.  It will also make the space more accessible and improve the live music stage area. The rear entranceway to the courtyard, which is adjacent to Trade and Transit II, will be updated, as will the square’s outdoor seating area.  The surface of Pine Square will be leveled and paved, and the stage area, which currently consists of plywood on a planter, will be completely revamped, with a new bandshell-type design.  New fencing, lighting and signage will also be added.

“Senator Yaw has been a leader on securing funds for important projects like this in the district,” said Jason Fitzgerald, President of Penn Strategies, which facilitated Pine Square’s application to the Pennsylvania Office of the Budget.

RACP, a $3.1 billion state program, provides grants for development projects that boost the economic, civic, cultural, recreational or historical value of the surrounding community.

For more state-related news and information, visit Senator Yaw’s website at www.SenatorGeneYaw.com or on Facebook and Twitter @SenatorGeneYaw.


CONTACT: Nick Troutman

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